Sunday 20 May 2012

Number 30

I feel like I need a drumroll...

30 POSTS! I stuck with it and an proud to see the number 30. I hope you've enjoyed thus far and will continue to follow along with the next 30.

So back to the post content I know your eagerly expecting.
I mentioned in number 29 that I have a to do list going on, and well it's still there! Heehee. A few things have gone on the back burner for the time being but I have started my diet again and have started training. I am loving it! I've even treated myself to a new pair of trainers.

So I completed my first run today, 0.5 mike run, then the same walk, then repeat. I mentioned in front of Michael that I was training and he asked if he could come too, I agreed but was a little nervous about it. I worried that he might fall, or it would hurt him, or he'd be in pain afterwards.
Well we embarked this afternoon and I have to say that he is absolutely amazing. He ran practically the whole way, including running ahead and then back to me, skipping, jumping and didn't even break a sweat! He had done p.e in school earlier in the day too and wasn't too tired to help his mum. When I was running the final half a mile uphill, I was flagging a bit, and he stayed behind me, encouraging me, telling me to keep going and that we
were nearly there and that I was doing really well. Bless him he was absolutely amazing the entire time, then when robs came home he went and did it again with him!

He fills me with so much happiness I feel I may burst, he is an amazing little boy. Oh also in other news I have finally managed to get him an appointment with a doctor in the hope we can get some help with the C.P. Yey!!

I have been knocked back with the college, as they are unsure I'll be able to do it as I have been out of education for so long (I understand but I WANT to do it). They suggested going a different way and volunteering in a school whilst doing an NVQ (which incidentally have been abolished and it's now called something else - GVC or something). So I tried that way and was knocked back by my first choice school :( oh deary. I am not entirely sure what to do now, still mulling it over.

Yesterday to cheer myself up a little, I planned a romantic picnic on the beach with my lovely husband for our date night. It was wonderful! We had lots of lovely food, a peaceful relax on the beach and then a lovely walk along another beach. The weather was perfect and we both came away from it feeling relaxed but re-energized at the same time.

I hope you have all had a bit of me time this week and some cuddly partner time too.
Signing off for now, going to see Elin, her boyfriend and our nephews :) another happy filled evening!
Much love

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